Client: BAM Civil (Formerly Ascon)
Scale: €95,000
Duration: 3 weeks
Summary of Albion Works:
- Installation of 50m long ground anchors in order to tie down driven piled casings
- Ground anchors were 7 strand Dywidag with working load 1,000KN into 10m rock socket
- Anchorage to stabilise Dolphin construction
- Mustang capable of deep drilling in marine environment
with track record of installing ground anchors into Dolphins
This project involved extending the wharf at Belview Port.
Ascon had driven piles to rock head through the water, which meant we were required to install ground anchors to give additional stability in the event of potential ship collisions.
Ascon installed the circular steel piles and we worked off a drilling platform fastened to the piles. Our drilling rig was craned into position and drilled and installed 7 No. 50m Dywidag ground anchors. We were required to drill down through the pile to the seabed and continue drilling through the seabed to a total depth of 50m and install the large anchors.
We were working with very limited space and the normal health and safety concerns of working over water, making this a complex project.
Additionally, a variety of onsite challenges arose during the project that could have thrown the project off-schedule.
However, we worked with Ascon to develop solutions, enabling us to successfully install and tension the anchors and fully complete the project within a 2 week period – ahead of schedule and on-budget.